This article is now outdated. You can read my article about the new AdSense registration process here: How to Create AdSense Account Using Blogspot URL - Fixing "AdSense doesn't know about your blog". Thank you for reading and happy blogging!
Update August 1, 2020:AdSense approval process related to blogspot domain has been changed due to Blogger's new updates. If you already have an AdSense account, you may connect and add your blogspot websites immediately by using new Earnings tab. No more waiting for eligibility!
Blogger is a free blogging platform which has an immense potential to be monetized. You may connect your Blogger website to AdSense if it meets certain requirements. You will not be required to spend any money in order to monetize Blogger.
Once you've made your Blogger account, you can create a website with a free subdomain of, just like this blog . Even though you don't have access to root domain, it is actually possible to monetize your free Blogspot subdomain via AdSense.
Google bought Blogger in 2003. This acquisition made AdSense becomes available for Blogger, just like in YouTube. Creating account for Blogger and AdSense are free, so potentially, you may be able to generate income with zero spending.
AdSense is known to slow down websites loading speed. It put extra strains to load the advertisements so you will need powerful hosting provider. However, since Blogger is hosted by Google, you will have no reason to doubt your blog's ability to serve contents. It doesn't need much maintenance so it is actually very reliable. Blogger is free and fast.
How to Monetize Blogspot Domain Using AdSense
If you are a long time Blogger user who use free blogspot subdomain, you can check your setting to see whether your blog is eligible for AdSense or not. Please note that this is the only way to monetize blogspot subdomain.
You will not be able to add your blog with blogspot subdomain directly to AdSense. Instead, you need to follow the instructions to request for AdSense approval:
- Open your Blogger account.
- Go to Earnings tab, it is under Comments and above Pages tabs.
- If your website is eligible, you will be able to find a button which says "Sign Up for AdSense".
- Click the sign up button.
- Click the Association button.
- If you haven't had an AdSense account, you'll be required to create one.
Follow the registration procedure, make sure to provide correct information
and read the Term and Condition.
Insert the code provided by AdSense within your theme's <head>.
- Wait for AdSense to review your website, can take up to two weeks.
- If you get rejected, fix the problem, then reapply.
Eligible Blogger website. |
How to Qualify for AdSense
Your Blogger website may not always be eligible. Check your blog thoroughly to see if it meets AdSense's eligibility requirements. If your content is not original or if it violates AdSense policy, it is very likely that your website won't be able to qualify. You will also have to follow Blogger's content policy and make sure that your site's pages are ready for AdSense (make sure you read this page, very important!).
For a new user, you need to fill your website with quality writings first
before you can become eligible. Your website with free blogspot subdomain may
not be able to qualify for AdSense if your articles are already widely
available on the internet. You need to have originality and fresh ideas! You
can use
Google Question Hub
to increase your blog content quality.
You may also need to index your Blogger website. It is important to make sure that your blog can be found in Google search page result. For more information on how to index your website with blogspot subdomain, please read the following article: How to Index Blogger Post Using Google Search Console Tool - Basic Search Engine Optimization
There are cases in which your website has fulfilled above requirements but
still remains ineligible. Most likely this is caused by the website's age. In
AdSense stated that your website needs to be active for at least six
to become eligible. However it may not take that long depending on your blog
quality. One of my blog was qualified in one month.
Unqualified AdSense for Blogger. |
Unfortunately, Google does not provide us with clear and detailed information on our websites' eligibility. All we can do is writing enough valuable content and hope that it will become eligible eventually. There is no exact amount of posts or views which are needed to become eligible.
For example, one of my blog was qualified for AdSense even though it only had 4 posts. I also own a test blog which I created one year ago. It contained 3 posts but it is now qualified for AdSense.
I notice common case in which a blog has more than 20 posts but it is still not qualified due to quality reasons. While quantity is still important part for eligibility, AdSense seems to prioritize quality.
It's hard to say exactly when your Blogger website will become eligible. However, it is safe to say that as long as we follow the guidelines and make sure that our websites are complete, we can eventually become eligible for AdSense.
Eligibility Does Not Mean Approval
Once your blog with free blogspot domain becomes eligible, you will be allowed to ask for AdSense approval. It will be able to serves ads once it is approved. AdSense team will review your Blogger website to see whether it is ready show ads yet. It may take up to 2 weeks to get a verdict from AdSense.
Waiting for AdSense review. |
Acquiring AdSense approval may not be easy. AdSense may reject your Blogger website because of various reasons. You will be able to resubmit your website for review once you've fixed the problem. You may get rejected several times. Fortunately you can always reapply, there is no limit. So basically once your website is eligible, it is only a matter of time until your website is approved.
Your Blogger blog may be rejected by AdSense because of policy violation. There are many types of policy violation. One of them is "Valuable Content: Inventory Under Construction". You may read the article which explains how I fix this type of problem. You will also need to put attention in your content's language. AdSense only support website which serve contents in certain languages.
After your blog has been approved and reviewed, you may begin to place AdSense code all over your pages. You can do it via AdSense widget or auto ads. You will also be able to put ads manually in your articles by using HTML mode.
Read also: How to Display Advertisment in Blogger Using AdSense Auto Ads
How to Monetize Blogger Using Premium Domain
Please note that you can not submit website with directly to AdSense. If you are using free blogspot domain, you can only ask for AdSense approval only through Earnings section. It means that you have to wait until it becomes eligible.
However, it is possible to change your free blogspot domain into a premium custom top level domain. Changing into premium domain will allow you to submit your blog directly to AdSense. That way you don't have to wait for Blogger to become eligible to use AdSense.
So if you are impatience to monetize your Blogger website, buy a custom domain!
Top level domain such as .com is very affordable nowadays. Usually it's only $10 a year and it is not that difficult to set up in Blogger account. Combining premium domain with reliable Blogger hosting may result in a powerful website.
Custom Blogger themes nowadays are also getting more advanced. You will be able to create a proper premium looking website using Blogger just by buying custom premium theme and a top level domain.
Follow the instruction to get AdSense approval for Blogger with custom domain:
- Buy a custom domain.
Change your Blogger domain into the newly purchased domain.
Create AdSense account if it is your first time, follow the procedure.
If you already have an approved account, do not create a new one.
Instead, go to AdSense control panel, go to "Sites" then "Add Site".
- Submit your root domain "" to your AdSense account.
Place verification code under <head> tag within your Blogger
- Wait for the approval, the review process can take up to two weeks.
So basically, if you are using this method, you will be able to monetize your Blogger faster since you don't have to wait for the uncertain eligibility waiting period.
Blogger is an interesting free platform which can assist you to serve contents reliably. The features may not be as advanced as WordPress but Blogger is 100% free to use. Blogger can be used as a tool in order to generate additional income via AdSense.
In reality however, the income which you receive may not be as much as websites with custom premium domain. Blogger's free domain has been associated with spam contents. It is unfortunate but free service does attract lower quality content creators. Many people would rather visit websites with top level domain because they are seen as more trust worthy, even though that it is not always be the case.
In summary, it is possible to monetize free domain from Blogger through AdSense. You don't need buy expensive hosting and domain in order to use AdSense!
If you have any question or found any inaccuracies, feel free to leave comment below. Please share and subscribe if you find this article useful. Thank you!
Read also: Complete Guide on Displaying Advertisement in Blogger using AdSense Ad Unit