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How to Sign Up for AdSense in Blogpsot

Signing up AdSense for Blogger with Blogspot domain requires a special method. Follow the steps so that you can turn your passion into profit.
Blogger is a special free blogging platform which allows AdSense monetization. You can turn your passion for writing into a little bit of profit. By default, Blogger provides you with a blogspot domain and you can choose your own subdomain name freely.

It appears that AdSense signing up process for blogspot may have been changed. If you already have an active AdSense account, you will be allowed to add your blog directly using Add Site.

Normally, when you submit a website to AdSense, you will be required to use the root/naked domain. Thus, you will not be able to request for AdSense approval in a normal way if you are using blogspot because your blog address contains subdomain.
To continue setting up AdSense, you need to go to your host and complete the sign-up there. Please sign up directly from blogspot.com.

Your blog's root domain is https://blogpsot.com and no one has access to this domain other than Blogger itself. Therefore, if you want to monetize your blogspot blog, you need to do it directly from Blogger account. Go to Blogger's Settings > Earnings > Sign Up for AdSense.

adsense reject blogspot

Not every blog is qualified to use AdSense. If your blog is not eligible, you will not be able to find the sign up button. You need to learn about AdSense's eligibility requirements for Blogger so that you can earn from your blog.

Recently, one of my blogs, https://poetmax.blogspot.com has become eligible for AdSense. As of right now, I own five blogs with blogspot domain which are ready to be monetized. I will share my experience on how to sign up for AdSense in blogspot.

AdSense for Blogspot signing up process

Step 1: Go to Blogger's Settings > Earnings > Sign Up for AdSense.

After you have clicked the sign up button, you will be redirected to a page in which you need to choose an email that you are going to use for AdSense. One activated AdSense account can handle multiple websites once it has been activated/approved.

If you have an AdSense account which has not been activated, it is better to delete that account first to prevent confusion.

If you already have an active account, do not create multiple AdSense account. Instead choose the email which has been associated with your existing AdSense account.

turn profit into passion blogspot adsense

Step 2: Associate your blog with AdSense

Confirm that you are using the correct email. Then, click the accept the association button. After that, you will also be required to review and accept AdSense term and condition.

blogger adsense association

Step 3: Confirming that Blogger and AdSense has been associated

If you are using custom domain to sign up for AdSense, you will receive a confirmation code which is used to connect AdSense to the blog. If you are using Blogspot, AdSense may redirect you back to your Blogger account and tells you that you can now enable AdSense widget.

You can add AdSense widget from Blogger's Layout > Add a Gadget > AdSense > Save. Usually, you can place the widget on the sidebar. Don't forget to Go to Blogger's Earning > Show ads on blog > Yes > Save settings. This will allow you display ads as soon as your account is activated.

adsense widget for blogspot

Step 4: Connect your blog to AdSense using Auto Ads code

Auto ads code is used to confirm that your blog is connected to AdSense. You need to copy the code and paste it underneath your Blogger theme's <head> and click save. You will be able to get the activation code from AdSense's Homepage. Now, your website is ready to be reviewed by AdSense team. 

Later, you can also find the code from AdSense Ads > Overview > Get code after your account has been fully approved. This single code can be used on all of your qualified blogs. It'll be able to connect (activate) multiple qualified sites to your AdSense account

Placing the code will also enable auto ads. After your blog has been fully approved you can enable auto ad if you go to AdSense Ads > Overview > Select the blog > Slide the Auto ads to the right > Apply to site > Save.

adsense confirmation code

Step 5: Waiting for AdSense to Review the Blog

After you have added auto ads code in your blog theme, you will need to wait for several days until you hear back from AdSense review team. You will receive an email from AdSense which notifies you whether your blog is accepted or rejected.

If your application is rejected, you need to find the source of the problem and resolve it. After that, you can reapply. Once your account has been fully approved, you will be able to edit your personal info, add multiple websites, manage ads and receive payment.

adsense review team

AdSense approval process is quite strict. It is possible that your blog may get rejected for policy violations. You will need to resolve the problems and then reapply. Leave a comment below if you find any difficulties in adding blogspot to AdSense.

Professional content writer, copywriter, and owner of TokoKata. Passionate blogger and SEO enthusiast. Practicing my bachelor's degree in accounting at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.


  1. Dear Sir,
    I am a regular reader of your blogs and they are just awesome.
    1) I have asked you before also about my blog for adsense approval and you told me to make some changes .
    Now I have completed all those changes .
    So,sir please can you review it once .
    Please Sir 😊
    2)Secondly, I am facing an issue for adsense approval for nearly 2 years.
    I applied for adsense from an account and then I realised that the gmail account I was using was not safe due to security threat so I deleted that adsense account which was still under review and applied from a new one .
    But when ever I apply for adsense it tells to delete another account which I don't have.
    And one more issue is there, that is, when ever I click on create account button it redirects me to gmail account selection page where I select the account from which I want to apply but after choosing the account when it redirects me to the next page it shows another account there as selected again and again.(Note- The account which shows sele…
    1. This is my site 👉🏻 technicalpacer.blogspot.com
      I forgot to mention it above😅
    2. It's clear that your old AdSense account is still not deleted properly, AdSense essentially only allows one account per person. You may need to contact AdSense or post your problem at the official AdSense forum regarding account problem (try it here: https://support.google.com/adsense/thread/new?hl=en). Another solution is to create a new email which has no connection with your old email and phone number, it has to be completely new.
    3. Thank u Sir for your guidance.
      If u could review my site before I apply it would be extremely helpful. And sir I also asked above that why is it showing another gmail account as selected when I am selecting other. Please do answer and sorry for the inconvinience caused.
      Waiting for your reply.....
    4. I have no clue about your account problem. As I have said, it's possible that your old adsense account is not properly deleted yet, that's why I suggested you to contact AdSense via the forum. And try to read this https://sofanmax.blogspot.com/2020/07/blogspot-domain-adsense-add-site.html to see if it might help.

      As for whether it'll be approved by AdSense, your blog seems to have enough content for approval (if the quality and originality is good it should be approved in no time).