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How to Use follow.it to Replace Blogger's FollowByEmail Gadget - Free Feedburner Alternative

Are you looking for a free alternative to Feedburner? Then try follow.it email subscription service! Stay in touch with your loyal readers.

Blogger is saying goodbye to the FollowByEmail gadget. This decision came after Feedburner decided to shut down its email subscription service.

It means that we can no longer rely on Blogger to send automated email notification to our subscribers whenever we post new articles. As of July 2021, Feedburner will suspend the service.

Therefore, an immediate replacement is needed. Luckily, I discovered a compatible and free alternative for Feedburner. It is called follow.it

You can check how my feed looks like at https://follow.it/sofanmax

free alternative feedburner
follow.it is a free alternative for Feedburner's email subscription service

My Impression of Using Follow.it

I discovered follow.it when the company approached me directly via email and asking me to try their service. Based on my initial impression, follow.it is quite simple to use. It is compatible with Blogger and we can install it quickly.

Email subscription is an excellent source of  traffic because it is sustainable. Loyal readers will keep visiting our blogs regardless of Google's ranking. So, replacing FollowByEmail gadget is a big priority. By using follow.it, we can help our subscribers to be notified whenever we publish a new post, thus they'll revisit our websites.

For a free service, follow.it seems to have various features that will help blog owners (publishers) to deliver our articles effectively. 

If you just want an automated email service to replace the FollowByEmail gadget, follow.it free version is already good enough. No matter how many followers you have, it will cost you $0 to provide your subscribers with email notification.

If you want to get more features, you can upgrade to follow.it paid version. The cost seems to be fairly priced based on the number of the followers you have. Premium features such as follow.it directory is a great way to get more traffic. It provides you with a higher visibility and more followers for your feed by having it listed in their directory.

Read also: Inserting link in Quora Answers - Will It Increase Blogger Website Page Rank?

How to Install follow.it in Blogger

It is simple to use follow.it email subscription service. The installation process is not overly complex and doesn't take too long. Follow the steps carefully to install follow.it on your Blogger website.

Especially pay attention to step number 6 to ensure that your follow.it account is connected properly with your blog.

1. Make a follow.it account.

Go to follow.it website and you can make a free account instantly by signing up using your gmail account.

follow.it sign up
Signing up to follow.it

2. Adding Blogger feed to follow.it

After you have signed up, you will instantly get redirected to your follow.it dashboard. On the left sidebar, click Publishing and the select Add Feed. Then, you simply enter your website url and click Next. A pop up window will appear that will show your website feeds, simply click Continue.

adding feed to follow.it
Add your website to follow.it

 3. Designing the customizable email follow form

The online form will allow your visitor to input their emails and subscribe to your blogs. You can customize the form provided by follow.it. You can also design your own form using your own code. After you are satisfied with the appearance, click Continue. Please note that you can always modify the form anytime, later on.

follow.it  follow form design
Easy-to-use follow form designer.

4. Placing the subscription form to your blog

After you have finished designing your form, follow.it will provide you with the code. You can copy and paste this code place it to your website. Go to  your Blogger dashboard, then select Layout. At the sidebar part, click Add a Gadget. Select HTML/Javascript and paste the code. You can leave the Title blank or name it as you like. Then select Save. You can adjust the gadget placement from Blogger Layout.

add follow.it using blogger gadget
Add follow.it code into Blogger HTML/Javascript gadget

5. Placing follow icon and link

In addition to email subscription form, follow.it also provides you with follow icons and links that can be placed anywhere inside your articles. Your followers will also be provide with notification when they click the icon or link. Next, follow.it will also provide you with pop-up notification, but you can just ignore that.

follow icon and link
Follow icons and link that can be inserted into your articles.

 6. Connect your blog to follow.it account 

This step is very important to make sure that your subscription form and follow icons work properly. It is essentially a method to claim and activate your follow.it account full functionality. 

You will be required to enter your email address to receive activation code, then select Start. Then, go to your Blogger dashboard, select Theme and Edit HTML. Put the code that you receive in your email under the <head> tag. Then click save. 

After that, go back to the email where the code is located, and click the activation link.

follow.it code
Insert the code to the <head> then verify by claiming it using the link.

7. Successful follow.it implementation in Blogger!

follow.it success
Your followers will start to receive notification via follow.it whenever you post new articles!

After you have finished all the steps, you should be able to successfully claim your feed. Now your website will be listed at your follow.it dashboard. You can start managing your subscribers! Try subscribing to your own website. If everything is implemented correctly, your email will appear at your follow.it follower list.

Do not forget to migrate your followers list from Feedburner to your new follow.it account using the import feature. Now your loyal readers will be able to get email notification just like before!

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Professional content writer, copywriter, and owner of TokoKata. Passionate blogger and SEO enthusiast. Practicing my bachelor's degree in accounting at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.


  1. Hi sir please check my blog


    Can I get approval in this website
    1. I think you will have hard time getting approval, some of your blog contents are not original and contain plagiarism. Also your blog is still very new. Fix the quality of your content first a d worry about AdSense latter.
  2. bro how to add download or more buttons in blog post
    1. Depend on the theme, my theme has a built-in download button function, so it's convenient. If your theme doesn't support it, you can learn how to implement it by using CSS, I think there are plenty of tutorial about this topic at other websites.
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    1. Fletro theme is premium only. It is relatively cheap and worth your money because of life time support and continuous updates. Respect other people creation by buying the original!
  4. I'm accidentally landed here while searching an article about Feedburner replacement for my blog on Blogspot platform. Thank you for sharing this useful info about "Follow It". I will try it for my blog. By the way, I have read your post about your experience crossing the Trans Java road.
    It turns out that we are both from Indonesia.

    Salam kenal buat Admin SofanMax dan semua yang mampir di blog ini.
    1. Wow, a surprise visit from a veteran blogger! Salam kenal and thank you for visiting!
    2. I've followed the steps in this post for setting up "Follow.it" on my blog. Thanks for sharing your experience here. But I don't know yet if it will work properly. Just wait and see.
      Btw, your blog looks nice.
  5. السلام عليكم
    Thanks for this interesting article.
    please brother, can you clarify the 6th step with a real example.
    I don't know how to deal with HTML code.
    please help
    1. You just need to copy paste the code that you received in your email. Place it under the head tag of your Blogger theme. There is no need to edit or write any new code, you just need to know how to open theme editor in Blogger, copy, paste, and save. It is the simplest explanation I can make. If you don't know how to open HTML editor in your Blogger account, search it on Google or YouTube. The head tag is located on the top part of your theme it is very easy to locate.
  6. Thank you VERY much for helping this behind-the-times blogger.
    1. Happy to help, ma'am.
  7. Thank you sooooo much for this post. I tried a few times to add Follow.it to my blog when they first announced Feedburner was going away and I just couldn't get it to work on my blog. Your tutorial is AAA+ and now I finally got it added. I subscribed myself to see the process and make sure it worked. I just am not techy enough to make many changes. Thanks again!
    1. Happy to help!
  8. Hello दोस्त मुझे यह पूछना है की अपने ब्लॉग को , मतलब blogspot वाले sub domain par Google Adsense कैसे लें। क्या करना होगा क्या blogspot से earning हो सकती है। Please reply me ........🙏🙏
  9. bro i created a blog recently on blogger its not getting indexed why? ig u can help me with that
    1. It's pretty normal for a new blog to not get indexed right away, even with Google Search Console. Increase your blog visibility through other means while you wait for Google to discover your blog! Stay tune for tips and tricks to get your blog indexed quicker!
    2. brother i have 2 blogs which has traffic of 150K+ a month but now i created a website on blogger its not getting indexed how can google discover it then am dropping my ig here please help me with it @_jayybelike
    3. That's a massive blog, with 150k+ traffic a month. I'm sure you can afford professional service for your SEO needs, including indexing.