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Inserting link in Quora Answers - Will It Increase Blogger Website Page Rank?

All links inserted inside a Quora answers have nofollow attribute. Such link does not directly affect Blogger website page rank.

The short answer is no. Inserting backlink inside Quora answers will not directly increase your Blogger website page rank. The long answer is still no, but if you use Quora wisely, you may be able to generate tons of incoming traffic to your blog.

Quora is currently the most popular question and answer (Q&A) forum. In fact, according to Alexa, it sits on number 85 in India. It has a great concept and easy to use.

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It is like Reddit but Quora is specifically used for Q&A. Everyone with all kind of credentials can participate. I personally find Quora to be quite fun.

Quora is great source of inspiration for bloggers. According to SEMrush traffic analysis, Quora is used by 295 millions unique visitors on July alone. The vast amount of questions and answers generated by millions of Quora users can be used to create informative articles.

Quora SEMrush visitor analysis

Even though Quora backlink doesn't increase your page rank, you can still utilize it to drive traffic to your blog.

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The Reason Why Quora Backlink Doesn't Increase Page Rank

Backlink (outbound link) is one of the signals which is used by Google to determine ranking. However, not all backlink affects page rank.

Backlink is defined by its link attribute. There are several type of link attributes and each attribute has different effect.


Dofollow link is valuable backlink

The regular link which has no attribute is often called as dofollow link. The regular dofollow link is often referred as valuable backlink because it affects page ranking.

When you insert a link inside your Blogger post, the default HTML code would like like the following snippet:

<a href="https://example.com">text to display</a>

If other websites use your blog link without any attribute (dofollow link), you will receive ranking boost. Google will think that your blog is valuable because it is used as reference by other websites.

Dofollow link is like research citation. If a journal is referenced (cited) by many researchers, then it indicates that the research is accurate and valuable.

For example, I use one of your article for reference inside my blog post. To credit your work, I can use dofollow link and it will increase your blog's ranking.


Nofollow attribute in Quora answers

If I only want to mention your blog without affecting your ranking, I can choose to enable rel="nofollow" attribute when I insert your link in my Blogger post.

<a href="https://example.com" rel="nofollow">text to display</a>
nofollow attribute in Blogger text editor

Link with nofollow attribute is not used as a ranking factor. This attribute tells Google that you do not endorse the link. You can say that the link with nofollow attribute is neutral. It is neither bad nor good when it comes to ranking signal.

All links which are inserted inside Quora answer will have nofollow attribute. It is to discourage spam. 

Anyone who answers a question in Quora can insert their own links as a reference. However, Quora will automatically insert the nofollow attribute in that answer.

Imagine if Quora doesn't enable the nofollow attribute. A lot of users may spam their links in Quora so that they can gain ranking boost. That situation will destroy Quora value.

Luckily, even though Quora backlink has nofollow attribute, it is still good for us if we know how to utilize it properly!

quora answer has no follow link

Stay tune to my next article which will discuss how to build  proper backlinks for blogspot users in detail.

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How to Utilize Quora Nofollow Backlink

Link inside Quora answer will not affect website ranking. However, your blog will still get exposure.

Nofollow link has no value for Google crawler but it is still valuable for human readers. People may visit your blog by clicking on the link inside Quora answer. That is a good thing.

If you answer a Quora question, your answer will be recommended to other users who have similar question. More people will be able to see your answer. In fact, if your answer is great, it may go viral. 

question mark on a tree to ilustrate quora nofollow

A lot of people will upvote and share your answers. The key is to write a well written answer. Then you can insert your blog link in a natural way inside your Quora answer.

One well-written Quora answer can easily get hundreds of views in a single day. Some Quora users may decide to click on the link inside the answer and visit your blog. Thus you have additional traffic from Quora.

Do not use a single link over and over, otherwise Quora will think that you are spamming. Your account may get suspended for up to two weeks. It is best to only include relevant link inside your Quora answer.

So do not underestimate Quora nofollow backlink, it is still good for your Blogger website exposure!

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Professional content writer, copywriter, and owner of TokoKata. Passionate blogger and SEO enthusiast. Practicing my bachelor's degree in accounting at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.


  1. Very informative and nicely written article. Thank you sir for providing us such precious Information.
    1. You're welcome, thank you for reading!
  2. Nice post