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Inserting Link Inside Blogger Comment Section - Will It Increase Ranking?

Any links inserted inside Blogger's comment section will be treated as nofollow. Spamming link inside the comment section will not increase your rank.

Inserting link inside Blogger's comment section will not increase your blog's ranking. Remember that only dofollow backlink (a link without attribute) will affect your blog's ranking.

Blogger comment section will automatically put nofollow attribute in any link. It is just like the nofollow Quora backlinks

When you put a link inside a comment in someone else's blog, the link will be treated as nofollow. In fact, nowadays, most blogging platforms will put nofollow attribute in their comment sections (not just Blogger comments).

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Spamming your links in other people's comment sections is pointless. The picture below will show you that Blogger's comment section inserts nofollow attribute:

nofollow linki in blogger comment section

So it is very clear that manipulating page rank by spamming links in comment section will not work. It is an obsolete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) method.

In the past, it might have worked. However, Google got wiser with link attributes. It is easier to detect link manipulation nowadays.

Sadly, a lot of beginner bloggers still believe that linking their blog in someone else's comment section will increase their ranking. It is an old trick which no longer works but a lot of people still fall for it.

Do not waste your time putting links when you are commenting in Blogger if your purpose is ranking. It will not help you.

Is Blogger's comment nofollow backlink useful?

From the previous article, we know that Quora backlink is still good for blog's exposure despite the nofollow attribute. Is Blogger's comment nofollow backlink also useful? Unfortunately, not really. 

In Quora, your answer which contains a nofollow backlink may get upvoted and recommended to other Quora users. That way your blog links will be seen by a lot of people.

Blogger comment section will not be recommended to anyone. Only other commenters may see that link. And nowadays, people are reluctant to click on links in the comment section. The links usually point to scam/spam websites.

Moreover, Blogger owners may decide to remove comments which contain outbound links. I personally also remove any comments which contain backlink because the links are potentially harmful to other visitors.

Furthermore, blog owners would try to keep visitors staying inside their blogs as long as possible. Outbound link in comment sections may lead visitors away so it is not desirable.

Again, do not spam in comment section because it is useless.

Leaving a good non-spammy comment is way better for your blog. A friendly and constructive comment will go a long way. The blog owners and other commenters may decide to visit your blog in turn if your comment is polite and insightful.

How to Utilize Blogger Comment Section Properly

Instead of spamming, leave an insightful comment or a thank you comment without backlink. You can also leave a non-clickable link. This is preferable for most blog owners. 

Before commenting, make sure that your Blogger's profile is public. List your blog links inside your Blogger profile. People will be able to click on your Blogger's profile from the comment section and see your links. It is much more ethical this way. 

Blogger profile

Comment section is  a good space for visitors and owners to interact with each other. It is a bad space to spam.

Spamming in comment section will only damage your blog's reputation. So, use Blogger's comment section wisely!

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Professional content writer, copywriter, and owner of TokoKata. Passionate blogger and SEO enthusiast. Practicing my bachelor's degree in accounting at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.


  1. i have one doubt if i am paste my site link in your post comment section it will cause any problems ?
    1. No, as I have stated in my article about Quora, nofollow backlink is neutral, it is doesn't cause any problems.
  2. https://tamilmoviesnows.blogspot.com/2020/09/whe.html
  3. Thanks for sharing
  4. Which Comment System You Are Using Right Now !!!
    1. The comment system is built in with my current theme, which is called Fiksioner v3.