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How to Write an AdSense Friendly Article for Beginner Bloggers

Writing an AdSense friendly article is not easy. If you are a beginner, you have to avoid some common mistakes.

There is a stigma attached to AdSense approval process in Blogger. People say that it is too difficult. This is not entirely true.

AdSense team will review your articles to see if they are good enough to be monetized. So, if your blog is rejected, there is a big chance that you may have a problem with the quality of your articles.

In other words, getting AdSense approval will be difficult if you do not know how to write an article properly. The approval process itself is actually not hard. However, the process of writing a good article is definitely not easy.

In essence, if you are learning how to get AdSense approval for Blogger, you are also learning how to write better articles.

There is no question that the quality of your Blogger articles is the most important factor in AdSense approval. Google AdSense is basically a platform to reward content creators. If your writings are rubbish, Google will not reward you, simple as that.

adsense friendly article blogger

So, how do I write an AdSense friendly article?

After you have picked a keyword or a topic, you need to turn it into an informative article. In language class, you may have learned about the basic way to write an article. The hardest part of writing an article is the first sentence.

If you do not know how to start, use the 5W + 1H principle!

For example,  I pick "best laptop for blogging" as my keyword. I will ask myself these basic questions:

  • Who is the target audience of my article?
  • What type of blogging laptop do my target audience need?
  • Why is this particular good for blogging?
  • Where is the best place to buy the blogging laptop? 
  • When is the best time to buy the blogging laptop?
  • How do my audience should choose the best blogging laptop?

Obviously those questions can be expanded. You can ask yourself  additional "What" or "How" questions. Then, you can turn the answers into a coherent paragraphs.

Answer the questions based on your personal knowledge. Then, back it up with external sources so that your answers become more valid. Cite their articles and remember to paraphrase.

Always expand your questions so that the article can become more informative. Ask detailed questions. If your article can answer all of the questions related to "best blogging laptop" (the keyword), then you have written a good quality article!

Also, do a self assessment test based on Google's Expertise - Authoritativeness -Trustworthiness (E-A-T) principle. It will help to guide you to ensure that the article is user-friendly.

Avoid Beginner's Traps to Create an AdSense Friendly Article

Genuine bloggers are those of you who put effort to write an article based on your own personal experience, hobby or expertise. You already have a deep knowledge on the topic that you want to share. 

You enjoy writing and AdSense is just an afterthought. Usually, if you are belong to this group, you will have an easier time to get approval. 

However, some of you may start blogging just because you want to get AdSense revenue and there is nothing wrong with that.

If revenue is your main motif,  you have to be careful to not fall into the beginner's traps.

Beginner often make common mistakes when they start writing for the first time. If you are a beginner blogger who wants to get AdSense approval, watch out for these traps: 


Keyword Trap

A lot of people often misunderstand keyword researching. It is one of the key strategy in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to gain higher organic traffic from Google search result. Researching the most relevant keywords will increase your chance to appear on top.

It is also a strategy to increase revenue by using specific keywords to trigger higher paying contextual ads.

However, beginners are often too obsessed with keyword researching. You maybe be tempted to use competitive or popular keywords to get better ranking and higher ads revenue. This is a big mistake.

There are millions websites which already use popular keywords in their articles. If you also try to write an article based on that popular keyword, the article will not be unique. The information will already be available on the other websites. AdSense will likely reject a blog which lack uniqueness.

For example, you may be tempted to choose "Best Samsung Phone in 2020". Keyword which is related to technology tend to pay higher. But, you will see that there are more than one billion other websites which already wrote about the best Samsung phone. Your new blog will not stand a chance.

If you want AdSense approval, write an article based on lower competition keyword. Choose unique keywords which are not used by too many big publishers.

You may not get much visitor because of less popular keywords. However your article will be unique. You do not need a lot of traffic to get approval, but you need uniqueness. 

Try Google Question Hub as an alternative to keyword researching, perhaps you can find fresher inspirations.

After your blog has been approved by AdSense, you can start to try to use more competitive keywords to drive more traffic and increase revenue.


Listicle Trap

Listicle is an article which highlights multiple information in the form of list. We are familiar with the "Top 10" style articles. That is the example of listicle.

It is easy to write because we do not need to do in-depth research. All we need to do is gathering multiple information and there is no need to be too detailed. It is also popular with the readers because it is easy to read.

Nevertheless, listicle is bad for AdSense approval. Nowadays, listicle is associated with spam and scrapped contents. There are also billions other websites which use listicle.

It is better to write an article about specific information. Demonstrate your in-depth understanding of the specific keyword in one long article. This will provide you with more informative and unique AdSense friendly articles.

Writing an occasional listicle is not bad idea once your blog is approved by AdSense. 


English Trap

A lot of Bloggers choose to use English as the language of their contents. It is true that having an English language will provide you with international audience. As a result, higher paying ads may start to appear on your blog.

However, there are a lot of people who do not have good understanding in sentence structure and grammar. Yet they force themselves to write in English. As a result, the articles become nonsensical.  

AdSense will reject website which contain too much linguistic errors

It is better to write in your own native language. You can develop another blog once your English skills have improved.

News Trap

You will never run out of content idea if you are creating a news blog. There will always be news to write. However, a pure news blog may have harder time to get approval.

Pure news is inherently not original. All of news outlets will report the same information. It is better to write an editorial style news. Instead of just writing plain facts, you need to put additional contexts and expertise opinion. 


Misrepresentative Trap

AdSense explicitly prohibit misrepresentative information. You are prohibited to mislead your readers by providing vague or false information. I have written an article dedicated to Misrepresentative contents. Avoid misrepresentative contents to minimize AdSense rejection!


SEO Trap

A lot of beginners mistakenly take the meaning of Search Engine Optimization at face value. SEO writing will help you to design an article which is preferred by the search engine.

However, do not forget that human will also read your articles. If you follow misleading SEO writing styles, your article may end up becoming nonsensical to human readers. As a result, AdSense may think that your blog contains spam article, thus you will be rejected.

Good SEO writing should always prioritize human first. Then you tweak it so that machine, or search engine, can also get better understanding of your article. Do not resort to excessive keywords stuffing and nonsensical sentence lengthener!

Is your blog ready to be monetized with AdSense? Comment below to share your experience! Also, follow my Instagram @omudesk to get mini update related to Blogger and AdSense.

Professional content writer, copywriter, and owner of TokoKata. Passionate blogger and SEO enthusiast. Practicing my bachelor's degree in accounting at the Indonesian Stock Exchange.


  1. Can i get adsense approval?
    Site: amanchourasia.in
    1. Your blog looks neat and tidy, it should be able to get approval. However, please re-read the article above, especially the part about keyword trap. Having more unique writing style and distinctive topic will improve your chance of approval.
  2. Can I get adsense approval ?
    If no , then what amendments are needed ?

    Site : fromvatsalspen.blogspot.com
    1. It is not impossible but I think right now your blog is lacking valuable content. There are too many posts that only contain few words and they also lack in tidy formatting. You need to create more posts that should be backed by reputable sources, not just questionable opinion. Check the article below for more tips:

    2. Thank you so much for your valuable insight

      Should I remove those posts with little content ?

      And one more question , should I change my blogger theme ?
    3. There is no need to remove them as long as they contain no violation.

      Theme is fine. You can change it after AdSense approval if you want to.
  3. Hey can I get adsense approval on blackhathackerz.com if no please tell what I should do thanks
    1. For AdSense approval tips: https://sofanmax.blogspot.com/2020/06/tips-to-get-adsense-approval-blogspot.html