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1 min read
/fix things up/

Looking back from 2019: The year of 2014 was a comfortable year for me, I was a senior in university and most of the classes were manageable. The end of the year was a bit tougher due to error in my attendance records, I was almost unable to take some end of semester exams. The campus was just introducing new system to record students' attendance using finger printing, I had to meet vice-dean in her office, it was quite intimidating but I think I was more excited rather than being stressed about it because several of my classmates were having similar problems. It's the year where my friends and I found a cafe by the rice field, in which we ended up visiting more later in the following  years, especially in 2018. It's the year when my landlord's daughter got married, we had a three days party, I had to use the backdoor to come and go. I was getting used to the life in there by this point. It was also the year I was really obsessed with the anime, Attack On Titans.
here, have a random cute mikasa wallpaper.

Mikasa Ackerman

I do not own the image, found it on /r/anime, all credit belong to original creator.

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