/fix things up/
Looking back from 2019: The year of 2014 was a comfortable year for me, I was a senior in university and most of the classes were manageable. The end of the year wa…
A writer's block is a situation that prevents bloggers from coming up with a
new article. You may not be able to write a single sentence, no matter how
much you try.
I just noticed that my other website has been down for months. I've been neglecting it for months after all, so they suspended it because it's free hosting and domain. It's too b…
Terdapat berbagai macam formulir/dokumen yang digunakan dalam proses pemungutan dan penghitungan suara di TPS. Salah satu dokumen penting yang harus di kuasai oleh penyelenggara pe…
It is September already. Time is a really terrifying thing, always moving forward whether you like it or not, I wonder what I had done for the last few months.
Anyway, it is not…
I can't believe that it's been a year since I got into this university. I couldn't believe that I was actually doing just fine considering my past circumstance, better than what I…