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since that day

1 min read
I can't believe that it's been a year since I got into this university. I couldn't believe that I was actually doing just fine considering my past circumstance, better than what I had expected really.

There were a lot of thing that happened during last term, but I do not have much memory of it, I spent last term mostly on my own trying to keep up with the course of events. I did not have a lot time to hang out.

Well, even though I still don't know what will I do in the future but I'm pumped up. I hope that what I've learn last year will be worth it and I also hope that I'll do better from this time on... And perhaps that way I may be able to figure something out.

So, I'm really looking forward to this new semester... hope I don't get dulled because I had done nothing but lying around the whole break.


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