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september has come

1 min read
It is September already. Time is a really terrifying thing, always moving forward whether you like it or not, I wonder what I had done for the last few months.

Anyway, it is not like that I have some sort of special day in September or anything, however this month always fires me up for some strange unknown reason. Perhaps it is an instinct or forgotten memory, something might have happen when I small.

Well I guess this year's September will be busy and long, I'll start my new semester the day after tomorrow, hope I did not get dulled after such a long semester break. The weather is already rainy too, so it will be wet and cold September. Gotta check the weather shield.

I hope good things will happen. 
Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars...
Drenched in my pain again again, becoming who we are...
~Green Day, wake me up when September ends__

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